How do I get my questions answered on this page?

Use the contact form (see above) and list your question - one per form. Please remember to only use the first name of your child and only the initials of the institute he/she is in.

Once the question is read by MOM, she will either post it here for others to answer or provide an answer herself. She may also get in touch with you if she needs more information.

How do I answer a question on this page?

Use the CONTACT form (see the top of the page). Use the box to tell us what question you are answerin. Write your answer in the MESSAGE box. 

Once MOM has verified your answer, she will post it under the question. 

Not all answers will be posted.

What's the difference between jail and prison?

Jail is for people who were charged with a misdemeanor and is usually only for stays no longer than 18 months.

Prison is for people who were charged with a felony and can be for any amount of time.

What happens when my child turns 18 but is still in jail?

If your child was charged as a juvenile and has not been staffed into any special education program, at midnight of his/her 18th birthday, they will be placed into the adult jail/prison population.

If your child was charged as a juvenile and HAS been staffed into any special education program, he/she remains in the DJJ facility until their 21st birthday if they have not yet been released by then.